Our Services

Computer Maintenance and Support
We can set up and optimize your Computer and your home network, or fix your technology issues and keep you safe from viruses and malware. We will sit and consult with you to learn about your concerns and issues and work hard to resolve them.
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Business IT Support
We are available to consult with you or your staff when problems arise with your business IT infrastructure. No business is too small and our rates are extremely competitive. We have experience with businesses that are as small as a single home office to as large as corporations such as 3M, Reuters, and The Federal Reserve bank.
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Scam Prevention and Recovery
Scams are everywhere!! We are very knowledgeable with scammer tactics. We can remove scammer access to your network and advise you on how to secure your data to prevent future scams. Acting fast can mean the difference between saving and losing money. PC Tech Doctors has helped customers from losing massive amounts of money..